
A place on earth: street action boost new Poelvoorde film

Author: Alex Papanastassiou

Fabienne Godet ‘s new film ‘Une place sur la terre’ landed in Belgian cinemas this week.

For this tenderness-packed drama starring Benoit Poelvoorde, Emakina created the movie website and competition for online and mobile platforms, manages the Facebook page and organised original street actions.

Together with some young artists, Emakina asks the question: “What is your place on earth?”. The young creatives placed graffiti posters in surprising environments in several cities, each time asking this fundamental question, as document a series of ‘making off’ videos and facebook posts .



‘I am here’ balloon signs pop up everywhere

In several cities, large red ‘I am here signs’ referring to the Google maps localisation icon started appearing over the last weeks. They were placed in combination with large graffiti style posters, that create an immediate and provocative impact.

What is your place on this earth?

The website’s photo competition, open until September 16th uses geolocalisation to indicate where you would like to be on this earth. Close to 500 participants already shared their image of the place they really would like to be, hoping to win the Reflex Nikon – D 3100 camera. Via Facebook and Twitter, they encourage friends to vote for their entry.




 Every dream place is different

The variety in the participant’s choice of dream places is remarkable. On the website map you discover a multitude of destinations (and who is winning), from Cook Island, over Séoul and Myanmar to Maharashtra in India and Divundi in Namibia, from Abidjan and Dakar to Boston, Minneapolis, Lima and Rio to even Basse-terre, Guadeloupe…

The campaign, developed in close collaboration with Versus Production and O’brother Distribution is now in full gear, with over 16,000 web visits and over 3,300 facebook fans following the action. The positive comments on the film by the critics will no doubt further lift this touching ‘fable of sensitivity’ to cinema success.

Join in, and find your place on earth!







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