
Mediaplanet Highlights Cofely Intranet by Emakina

Author: Alex Papanastassiou

Denis Jouniaux, Sales Manager at Emakina proudly introduces his recent project for Cofely, in the article on Media Planet Info Entreprendre.


We’ve all been there…
You’re sweating over a task at work, and when you’re almost done, you learn (probably at the coffee machine) that your colleague has a sweet little tool that would have saved you hours of agony…
Or you’re at the water cooler and you hear ‘by accident’ about a great new client, an exciting project or a get-together with colleagues…

Sounds familiar? Hopefully not.

The simple truth is, internal communication
does not always receive the attention it deserves.
Yet, it’s crucial to remain competitive.

Cofely, an organization of the Engie group, takes internal communication really to heart. So, the company with 9,500 people in the Belux teamed up with Emakina to tacle this challenge… leverage new technology to give internal communication its deserved place at the core of business.

And of course, Emakina’s Denis Jouniaux is happy to share his pride about the result, in the article on MediaPlanet!


Is your company also thinking about more fluent and efficient internal communication? Good idea. Give us a sign, drop us a line, and we’ll be happy to imagine and build tools together that boosts smart internal access to vital data and interactivity.

And the good news is, projects like this win back their investment fast, by better knowledge sharing, more motivated people, a better team spirit and better results.

Hashtag: digitaltransformation!


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